Tongues On Fire Membership

Tongues on Fire(TOF) Membership is valid for a year and entitles you to:

  •  Free entry to events throughout the year: most of the film screenings, debates and masterclasses organised by Tongues on Fire throughout the year are free to members. 
  •  Concession tickets during the Festival: members get special discount on film screenings and other events during the Festival as well as free entry to some selected. 
  • Member’s-only events: Tongues on Fire organises high profile events with VIP and star guests throughout the year that are off-limits for non-members. 
  • Priority booking to all Tongues on Fire events: as a valuable Tongues on Fire member you are the first to know of our exciting and inspiring events. So you will never miss out on an amazing event because it was sold out! 
  • Voting Rights: 2010 sees the first UK Independent Asian Film Awards brought to you by Tongues on Fire. Membership allows you to nominate entries and vote for your favorite. Membership allows you to make your suggestions and become a stake holder in the awards. 
  • Film Community: be part of a community of opinion makers and creative people, alongside established filmmakers, screenwriters, actors and producers. 
  • Festival Committee: members can get the opportunity to join the Festival Committee 
  • Build and Expand your filmmaking network: meet your colleagues, peers and share your knowledge and experience at regular networking events for all filmmaking members.

Tongues on Fire Annual Membership is £75 and that includes all the member’s only events, free and concession events during the Festival plus all the free and exclusive events organised by us throughout the year.

For further information call 0208 961 8908 or email